
Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Highlights

Happy Friday! - even though by the time you read this it will in fact be Saturday.

I figured since I had such a great holiday - I would just continue to talk about it.

Favorite Number 1:
Race spectating. If you follow me on Instagram (aka the greatest form of social media ever) you saw that my SIL and Nephew braved the cold and cheered on the runners of the Turkey Day 5K. I was planning on making this race an official PR but my legs had some other plans. There were a lot of people this year which I think is great. Spectating a race is a whole different ball game than running one. It was kind of relaxing to just casually walk up to the start line, look around, drink hot coffee, you know do everything but actually run. The only downfall hat made a lot of runners a little peeved - the race started 15 minutes late :( - like line up at the start line peeved late. I really wanted to watch the speedsters run fast, and sure enough the first male finished in 15:22 and the first female finished in 17:59. Maybe someday I will be speedy, SOMEDAY.

Favorite Number 2:
Baking. This year I baked the apple pies. We decided on some mini pies, and then one big giant one. This was my first pie ever, and I think it turned out to be a success. One thing I love about winter and the Holiday's are the pumpkin and apple pies. I will have the recipe up later this week!

Favorite Number 3:
Family. So this probably should be number 1 and it obviously is but I am going in chronological order of what happened yesterday. I love my whole family, and a huge bonus is when you get married and your family doubles, and even bigger bonus - getting to spend Thanksgiving together with both sides of your family. Naturally I don't have photo documentation of this, but my parents came to the in-laws for dinner and some football watching. When my parents are spending the holiday in town I smell a new tradition brewing. I did miss my brother and his GF - but they are coming for Christmas so I get to see them soon! They were busy running their own 5K which I heard was a blast!!!

Favorite Number 4:
Adult beverages. I love my wine and had plenty of it. I also had some frozen margaritas, in a tube. Picture Go-Gurt but instead of the sugary yogurt deliciousness, it's replaced by yummy salty lime margarita. They are potent and awesome. You can purchase them online so you better believe ordering these is on my first to-do list when I get home. This picture was not intended for the blog at all. I actually used it as a form of communication between my SIL and I. I was referencing how soon we could be at their house.

Favorite Number 5:
Accidental Selfies. At the end of the night MMR's BFF/nephew came over to hang out a little bit. My selfie is not accidental. I was documenting how my curls lasted a whole 4 hours, his on the other hand, was probably not meant for Favorite Number 5 - it's just a result of me not having a lock on my iPhone. Love you AW ;)

I have an epic sweat session planned for tomorrow as well as more anniversary stuff. PLUS I finally got my feet/stride looked at by real professionals!!! See ya'll then.

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